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Welcome to another Tactical Tuesday, a short-form conversation with subject-matter experts designed to give you practical tools, tips and advice for building your solar business or career.

This week, we have an in-depth look at the ins and outs of building a project that incorporates a massive battery component to the equation. Energy Storage is all the rage in California, and all over the renewable energy landscape in the world. There’s at least one missing element to the conversation to understand the how and why folks are able to monetize and deploy these battery systems: resource adequacy.

Consequently, we are diving into the following questions:

  • What is resource adequacy?

  • Why does it matter?

  • Who is involved in the discussion?

We’ll answer these questions and more with Will Mitchell, Director of Origination for the Western U.S. of Strata Solar, a massive EPC from North Carolina with over a decade of success developing, constructing and commissioning more than 150 utility-scale projects

Will is responsible for business development, customer relationships, government and policy affairs, and more details that you will be able to find on this Thursday’s episode once it goes live.

If you really love this stuff, then you should check out the hundreds of additional founder stories and startup advice at www.mysuncast.com. And don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast and our Energy Tribe newsletter so you won’t miss the next one that drops!

IF you are developing Commercial solar projects, you really should consider how they can help:

Extensible Energy


Connect with Will on LinkedIn

Check out the work of Strata Solar on their website

California Hands Control Over Resource Adequacy to Utilities, Angering Community Choice Groups

Remember that the transcript of this episode is available HERE